Drinking and smoking in the common dining area is strictly prohibited.
We are a zen camp and would like to keep it that way. Music can be played for your ears only. Keep it low.
Keep it zipped. Our tents are meant for you and you alone. Animals, insects, mosquitos are not allowed.
Smoking kills. Sometimes by the means of wildfire, so be careful of where you dispose of you burning cigarette butts.
There is a place for everything. Garbage cans are placed throughout the property. Please put them to good use.
Our tents are not load bearing. You are requested to refrain from hanging anything inside or over the tent. You will be held responsible and liable for any structural/physical damage caused to our tents.
Campers of all ages are always welcome. Our campsite is senior citizen friendly.
Nothing like camping with your besties. So, we encourage you to bring your pet along. We are equipped to make basic pet-friendly food arrangements; while you enjoy a good bark.
Carry your essentials. clothes, towels, etc.
(Note: We provide toiletries if required)
Say no to plastic. It’s easy. We say it all the time. No plastic bags are allowed on our property.
Bonfires are lit by the company at the designated areas. Enjoy them where they are. No lighting campfires without permission.
Our strays are well fed. We request you not to increase their appetite.